Concertele si evenimentele Societatii Muzicale, trecute si viitoare

Ord. dupa

HE Özgür Kıvanç Altan, Ambassador of the Republic of Türkiye in R...

HE José Antonio Hernández Pérez-Solórzano, Ambassador of the Kingd...

HE Paweł Soloch, Ambassador of the Republic of Poland to Romania, the...

HE Philippe Benoit, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Belgium in Romania, T...

HE Han Chunlin, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China in Roma...

HE Nicolas Warnery, Ambassador of France in Romania, The Ministry of F...

HE Kap-soo Rim, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Romania, The Mi...

HE Margit Bruck-Friedrich, Chargé d‘affaires a.i. of Austria, the M...

HE Alfredo Durante Mangoni, Ambassador of Italy, The Ministry of Forei...

Therese Hyden, Ambassador of The Kingdom of Sweden, The Ministry of Fo...

The Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt, the Ministry of Foreign ...

HE Reuven Azar, Ambassador of Israel in Romania, The Ministry of Forei...

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Societatea Muzicala organized the ...

HE Hiroshi Ueda, Ambassador of Japan, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs ...

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Societatea Muzicala organized the ...

HE Paul McGarry, Ambassador of Ireland, The Ministry of Foreign Affair...

Botond Zakonyi, Ambassador of Hungary, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs...

HE Osama Yousef A. A. Alqaradawi, Ambassador of the State of Qatar to ...

Alfredo Durante Mangoni, Ambassador of Italy in Romania, the Ministry ...

HE Kap-soo Rim, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Romania, The Mi...

From Bucharest with Love... Following the release of his acclaimed ...

Welcome Concert in honor of HE Adelheid Folie, Ambassador of Austria. ...

Welcome Concert in honor of HE Osama Yousef A. A. Alqaradawi, Ambassad...

Welcome Concert in honor of HE Issam T. H. MASALHA, Ambassador of Pale...


The Romanian Athenaeum, Apr 25th, 2017, 19:00h

Concertul va fi transmis LIVE (integral) la TVR3 si pe Facebook-ul Societatii Muzicale!

Amnon Weinstein and The Violins of HopeHistory has proven that art is one of the most powerful weapons against darkness and Violins of Hope make no exception.

This project is rooted in survival, perseverance and the mending of broken pieces. Beautifully restored violins –once belonging to holocaust victims– are nowadays the carriers of their owners’ stories. And although each may bear its own personality, its own script, they all create, in unison, art and light.

The similarities to the story of the Jewish people are striking. It too has dealt with misfortunes and attempts of destruction along the centuries. However, against all odds, against all malice, it has survived, it has persevered and it continues to thrive.

As people of this world, it is our duty to remember history and to learn from it. But as Israelis, it is our mitzvah – our commandment – to also honor the ones who suffered in order for us to live in freedom today. Therefore, we thought a most opportune way to pay homage to this page of history, would be have the Violins of Hope concert coincide with the National Day of Israel reception, particularly this year, with the completion of Romania’s chairmanship of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance.

So please join us on this cultural endeavor and let us reflect and rejoice the power of art and belief!


Amnon Weinstein and The Violins of HopeIstoria a dovedit ca arta este una dintre cele mai puternice arme in fata intunericului, iar Violins of Hope nu face exceptie.

Acest proiect este ancorat in ideile de supravietuire, de perseverenta, de reparare a lucrurilor frante. Viori restaurate cu maiestrie – care odata apartineau victimelor holocaustului – sunt in prezent purtatoarele povestilor fostilor lor proprietari. Si desi fiecare detine propria-i personalitate, propriul scenariu, ele creeaza, la unison, arta si lumina.

Similaritatile istoriei lor cu cea a poporului evreu sunt frapante. Acesta, la randu-i, s-a confruntat de-a lungul secolelor cu potrivnicii, cu incercari de distrugere. Cu toate acestea, in ciuda tuturor sanselor, in ciuda tuturor malitiozitatilor, el a supravietuit, a perseverat si continua sa infloreasca si in prezent.

Ca oameni ai acestei lumi,  avem datoria de a ne aminti istoria si de a invata din aceasta. Dar ca israelieni avem o mitzvah – o porunca – de a-i onora pe cei care au suferit pentru ca noi sa putem trai azi in libertate. Asadar, consideram drept oportuna omagierea acestei pagini de istorie prin coinciderea concertului Violins of Hope cu receptia Zilei Nationale a Israelului, mai ales in acest an in care Romania isi incheie mandatul de presedintie a Aliantei Internationale pentru Memoria Holocaustului.

Va invitam, astfel, sa va alaturati acestui demers cultural si sa reflectam si sarbatorim impreuna puterea artei si a sperantei.


  • Bruch – „Kol Nidrei” for cello, string quartet and piano
  • Avinu Malkeinu for violin, cello and piano (arranged by Cihat Askin)
  • Shostakovich – Piano trio nr. 2 op. 67 (Andante, Allegro con brio, Largo, Allegretto)

– Interlude –

  • Mendelssohn – String Octet op. 20 (Allegro moderato ma con fuoco, Andante, Scherzo, allegro leggierissimo, Presto)
  • Jerusalem of Gold


  • Gil Sharon (The Netherlands) – violin
  • Evgenia Epshtein (Croatia) – violin
  • Sevil Ulucan-Weinstein (Turkey) – violin
  • Irina Simon-Renes (The Netherlands) – violin
  • Miriam Hartman-Beazley (Israel) – viola
  • Aida-Carmen Soanea (Germany) – viola
  • Hillel Zori (Israel) – cello
  • Teresa Beldi (Germany) – cello
  • Andrei Licaret (Romania) – piano


The Violins of Hope

Violins of Hope in Romania (descarcati prezentarea concertului)


Concertul va fi transmis LIVE (integral) la TVR3 si pe Facebook-ul Societatii Muzicale!

Recital cu Violins of Hope expuse la Palatul Regal (Concertele Societatii - 25-Apr-2017)

Dupa marele concert Violins of Hope de la Atheneul Roman, in data de 25 aprilie 2017, cele opt viori din colectia Violins of Hope care au ajuns la Bucuresti au fost expuse pentru o singura zi la Muzeu...

  • hornyatkowomma :


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