Serata muzicala privata cu Remus Azoitei la vioara si si Eduard Stan la pian, cu o introducere de Ionut Diaconu la pian
- I. Ceaikovski: Valse-Scherzo
- Vitali: Ciacona
- L. van Beethoven: Sonata No. 5 Op. 24 „Sonata Primaverii”
Adagio molto espressivo
Scherzo: Allegro Molto
Rondo: Allegro ma non troppo - Porumbescu: Balada
- Saint-Saens: Introducere si Rondo Capriccioso
Remus Azoitei a debutat la 8 ani cu orchestra simfonica din orasul sau natal, Galati. Dupa ce a absolvit Conservatorul din Bucuresti la clasa lui Daniel Podlovski (1995), Remus Azoitei a obtinut o bursa de studii la renumita Juilliard School din New York, unde a avut sansa sa studieze cu Dorothy Delay si Itzhak Perlman, la finalul pregatirii sale obtinand titlul de Master of Music. De-a lungul timpului, artistul a beneficiat si de indrumarea unor personalitati violonistice marcante precum Bujor Prelipcean, Mihai Constantinescu, Zakhar Bron sau Ivry Gitlis. A fost numit de catre revista britanica The Strad „un virtuoz incurabil cu suflet si tehnica fabuloasa”.
Violonistul a fost solist al unor ansambluri de prestigiu precum: Orchestre Nationale de Belgique la Bruxelles, Berlin Kammer Orchestre la Berlin sau Orchestre Philarmonique de Radio France la Bucuresti, in cadrul Festivalului Enescu, dar si multe altele. Pe langa acestea, el a sustinut un mare numar de aparitii camerale in lume, printre care si un turneu de 15 concerte in jurul Europei, Washington DC si New York alaturi de pianistul Eduard Stan, in 2009. Realizat cu sprijinul ICR, turneul a prezentat lucrari de Brahms si Enescu pentru vioara si pian, bucurandu-se de un rasunet puternic in presa internationala. Dupa debutul sau in capitala americana, ziarul Washington Postnoteaza: „Azoitei canta cu sensibilitate melodica fluenta si tehnica stralucitoare”.
De-a lungul anilor Remus Azoitei a avut ocazia sa concerteze in sali prestigioase cum ar fi: Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Konzerthaus Berlin, Salle Cortot Paris, St-Martin-in-the-Fields si Wigmore Hall in Londra, Carnegie Hall in New York, Teatro La Fenice Venetia, Konzerthaus Viena sau Auditorio Nacional Madrid, si luat parte la diferite festivalurile muzicale la: Cambridge, Tokyo, Berlin, Londra, Santander sau Heidelberg. A colaborat cu artisti renumiti printre care se numara David Geringas, Lawrence Foster, Michael Sanderling, Gérard Caussé, Adrian Brendel sau cvartetul de coarde Voces.
Remus Azoitei a inregistrat in premiera mondiala integrala lucrarilor pentru vioara si pian de George Enescu alaturi de pianistul Eduard Stan. Realizata in 2 CD-uri de casa de discuri Hänssler din Germania, aceasta integrala s-a bucurat de cele mai entuziaste cronici in publicatiile de specialitate de pe mapamond. Comentand pe marginea acestei realizari, revista britanica The Strad spune ca „Azoitei are toate atuurile: sesibilitate marcanta, dulceata a sunetului (dar nu dulceag) si o paleta coloristica si dinamica imensa”, pe cand publicatia Gramophone descrie „Stilul rafinat si vibrant al lui Remus Azoitei… un interpret distinct care combina temperament, maiestrie si eleganta a executiei intr-un mod foarte special”. Pentru aceasta inregistrare el a folosit celebra vioara Stradivari „Maurin” din 1718, cedata lui pentru acest proiect de catre Academia de Muzica din Londra.
Remus Azoitei a fost laureat al concursurilor internationale de la Bucuresti, Milano, Weimar, Tokyo si Auckland, si a inregistrat in 2001 concertul de vioara de Ceaikovski alaturi de Orchestra Nationala Radio sub bagheta lui Horia Andreescu, inregistrare ce a intrat in Fonoteca de Aur a Radiodifuziunii Romane. In 2005, Azoitei a interpretat Dublul concert de Bach alaturi de violonistul Nigel Kennedy in cadrul Festivalului International George Enescu, concert preluat de catre 19 posturi de radio si televiziune din Europa, incluzand BBC, Arte si Mezzo. Cu ocazia debutului sau la celebra Wigmore Hall din Londra, ziarul Sunday Express scria ca: „a cantat un concert de neuitat in fata unei sali Wigmore arhipline si a ridicat publicul in picioare. Iata un muzician exceptional”.
A fost decorat de catre Presedintele Romaniei cu titlul de Ofiter al Ordinului Meritul Cultural (2005).
In 2001, Remus Azoitei a fost numit profesor de vioara al Academiei Regale de Muzica din Londra, la acel moment fiind de asemeni cel mai tanar profesor de vioara din intreaga istorie a Academiei. In 2007, el a pus bazele Societatii Enescu din Londra, fiind unul din membrii fondatori precum si directorul sau artistic, pozitie pe care o ocupa in continuare.
Remus Azoitei canta la o vioara Niccolo Gagliano facuta in anul 1753, apartinand colectiei Academiei Regale de Muzica din Londra. El este stabilit la Londra din anul 2000, unde locuieste impreuna cu sotia Antonia si cei doi baieti Gabriel si Lucian.
Hailed by the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung for his “eminent sense of tonal timbres and colours”, the Romanian-born pianist Eduard Stan has received international acclaim after emigrating to Germany in 1978 at the age of eleven. A native of the multicultural city of Brasov in Transylvania, he has widely performed across Europe and the US, past engagements taking him to major venues such as Carnegie Hall New York (WRH), Kennedy Center Washington DC, Konzerthaus and Philharmonie in Berlin, Konzerthaus Vienna, Salle Cortot Paris, Concertgebouw Amsterdam, Auditorio Nacional Madrid, Luxemburg Philharmonie, Palais des Beaux Arts and Flagey in Brussels, Rudolfinum Prague, Gasteig Munich, Musikhalle Hamburg, Konserthus Stockholm, Queen’s Hall Copenhagen and National Concert Hall Dublin. Reviewing his London Wigmore Hall debut, Classical Source praised his “pianism which was at its most commanding”.
Eduard Stan has appeared at the Massenet, the Lille Pianos and the Piano à Riom festivals in France, the Enescu Festival in Romania, the Mid-Europe Festival in the Czech Republic, the Hohenloher Kultursommer and the Brunswick Classix in Germany, the Galway Schumann Festival in Ireland and the Bourglinster Festival in Luxemburg. In 2015, he gave his debut at the Julitafestivalen in Sweden. He is a regular soloist with orchestras in different European countries and has performed with major orchestras in Romania – the Enescu Philharmonic and the Romanian National Radio Orchestra in Bucharest, to name just two – under conductors such as Christian Badea, Shinya Ozaki, Lutz Köhler, Jin Wang, Theo Wolters, George Balan and Thomas Dorsch.
The year 2014 has seen him in a solo recital within the series “Beethoven Inspires” in the city of Umeå, Sweden’s European Capital of Culture, as well as at Copenhagen’s Black Diamond and at the Ceresio Estate Festival in Lugano, among others. In recent seasons, Eduard Stan has performed at the London Enescu Society and has made debuts at the Palacio Fóz in Lisbon, the Casa da Música in Oporto, within the Warsaw Chopin Series and at the Royal Piano Festival in Cracow. An extensive solo tour brought him for the first time to Israel, with performances in Jerusalem and Haifa, among others. Eduard’s more varied chamber music activities included concerts at the Accademia Santa Cecilia in Rome, the Teatro la Fenice in Venice, the Kaiser-Wilhelm-Gedächtniskirche in Berlin and the National Broadcast Corporation in Bucharest.
In 2016, Eduard Stan will be performing at the Menuhin Festival in London as well as at the “Rencontres Musicales Internationales Enesco” in Paris with his Azoitei-Stan violin-piano duo. He will be playing the Schumann concerto in Romania and different solo programmes in Germany in Austria, in preparation for solo recitals in New York at the end of the year. His concert highlights in 2015 included solo projects at the Brussels Museum of Musical Instruments and in Sweden, as well as the opening concert of the Romanian Cultural Days at the Playfair Library Hall in Edinburgh. To end the World Exposition’s Cultural Programme in Milan, he performed a duo recital at the Auditorium San Fedele.
A sought after chamber musician “revealing a fine gift of restraint and an instinctive feel for balance” (The Strad), Eduard’s collaborations include violinist Nina Karmon, cellist Romain Garioud, clarinettist Johannes Peitz, viola player Aida-Carmen Soanea, as well as the string quartets Voces, Ad Libitum and Con Tempo. He has a particular affinity for Lied, which he performs with singers Peter Schöne, Rodion Pogossov and Britta Stallmeister. His most recent CD with baritone Peter Schöne for the Genuin label has been launched in 2012.
Eduard Stan has developed a successful artistic duo partnership with violinist Remus Azoitei over more than fifteen years. Together, they have recorded the complete works for violin and piano by George Enescu, an authoritative world premiere project which has attracted highly praising reviews. Launched by Hänssler Classic on 2 CDs in 2007/08, this collection is part of a series of critically acclaimed solo CDs recorded by Eduard for the same label, with a repertoire ranging from Bach to Debussy. In 2010, he has released a Chopin CD for the Thorofon label, which has been recommended as “a CD recorded under such clear sign of inspiration, rather belonging to the spirit of past piano masters”. Thus, Eduard Stan is characterized by the reviewer as “a fine intellectual performer, with a reflecting but also well justified musical interpretation, at times reminding of the best moments of a great musician such as Wilhelm Kempff.” (Victor Eskenazy)
A student of Arie Vardi, Karl-Heinz Kämmerling and Martin Dörrie, Eduard Stan graduated from the Academy of Music and Drama in Hanover, where he obtained his Master’s Degree. He has also benefited from lessons in orchestral conducting at the same institute. Over the years, Herbert Blomstedt, Matthias Goerne, Karl Engel, Boris Berman and Paul Badura-Skoda have taken a keen interest in nurturing his talent as a versatile musician.
Eduard Stan was the founder and artistic director of the 2005 Enescu-Festival in Heidelberg/Mannheim. For his merits while promoting Romanian culture abroad, he has been awarded the Prometheus Prize 2009 by his native country.