Sound of Rumi
- Concertul
- Ali Asghar Rahimi
- Mohsen Taherzadeh si Mostafa Ghanaat
- 31 august @ Teatrul National
- 1 septembrie @ Conservator
Concert de muzica mistica persana cu Ostad (Maestrul) Ali Asghar Rahimi, compozitor si interpret (tanbour, voce), impreuna cu Ostad (Maestrul) Mohsen Taherzadeh, percutie traditionala (daf, kouzeh) si cu Ostad (Maestrul) Mostafa Ghanaat, clarinet, pe versurile poetului Mewlana Jalaludin Rumi (1207 –1273)
Ali Asghar Rahimi este maestru al „Tanbour” (Tanbur, Tanbūr, Tanbura, Tambur, Tambura, Tanboor si alte denumiri), un instrument cu coarde traditional in Orient.
Ali Asghar Rahimi este directorul Tanbour Society din Esfahan, membru al House of Music of Iran, membru al Comitetului pentru inregistrarea muzicii spirituale din Iran in Patrimoniul Mondial, fondatorul Roohafza Ensemble.
Universitatea Nationala de Muzica din Bucuresti, Sala de Opera, vineri 1 septembrie 2017, 19:30h. Intrarea numai cu invitatie.
„Sound of Rumi” is a mystical music concert that draws inspiration from the spiritual poetry of the 13th century poet Mewlana Jalaludin Rumi. Skillfully combining ancient Maghams of Tanbour, free-flowing melody lines and soul-stirring poems sung in the haunting beauty of the original language, the composer Ali Asghar Rahimi created a tapestry of sound and color, word and emotion that touches the heart and inspires contemplation and meditation.
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Iranian mystical music composer, vocalist and Master Tanbour player, former student of Master Taher Yarveysi and Master Seyed Amrollah Shah Ebrahimi, he has been studying, performing and teaching Persian music and ancient Maghams of Tanbour for more than 25 years.
His mastery of instrumental technique and Persian musical language, his creativity and the ability of sensing Maghams have helped him create a new and distinct style in the Persian mystical music by blending passion, emotion, spirituality and advanced techniques of composition and performance.
This has resulted into a recent collaboration with the well-known Iranian singer Shahram Nazeri for whom he composed the music of a new album – a project supported by UNESCO which combines video images of the most beautiful heritage sites in the city of Esfahan with Iranian spiritual music – to be released soon. As solo artist or with the Roohafza Ensemble he founded in 1999, he has performed in many festivals and venues both in Iran and worldwide.
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Two other outstanding musicians, members of Roohafza Ensemble, will join Ali Asghar Rahimi on stage for the concert in Romania.
Ostad (Master) Mohsen Taherzadeh
Iranian Master Daf player, he has performed both as a solo artist and with different Ensembles on many stages in Europe and Asia and with Iranian Symphonic Orchestra conducted by Master Majid Entezami in Tehran and Esfahan. He has taken part in several international festivals in Germany, Malaysia and Turkmenistan and, in 2012 he was Artist in Residence at the Tamburi Mundi Festival in Freiburg. He has created his own personal style on Daf managing, in his over 18 years of playing, to give his instrument a living soul with a subtle spiritual depth.
Ostad (Master) Mostafa Ghanaat
Iranian Master Clarinetist with a wide musical experience. At the age of 14 he was selected to play clarinet in Master Sirous Saghari Orchestra and at the age of 15 he played saxophone in the Great Isfahan Orchestra thus becoming one of the youngest musicians who had the privilege to perform on stage with the great masters of the time. In his over 40 years of musical career he kept on crafting and refining his sound till he developed a personal soulful style that resulted into collaborations with numerous ensembles and orchestras.
Comentarii (12)
Care este adresa de mail unde pot face o rezervare, va rog?
Si care este locatia unde vor concerta asta seara, vineri, 01 Sept. ?
Traiane, glumesti? Cat despre adresa de e-mail, uite-o, desi e si aceasta aici, pe site, la un click distanta: GB
Pentru spectacolul din 31 august de la TNB, stiti cum se procedeaza? Multumesc.
Trebuie trimis un e-mail la Societatea muzicala pentru a primi o invitatie. Multumesc pentru interes! GB
Tare mult m-as bucura sa ascult si eu poezia lui Rumi pusa pe muzica. Cum am putea obtine o invitatie?
Ne trimiti un e-mail… GB
Multumesc frumos
doresc si eu o invitatie pt 1 septembrie.
Si pentru a obtine o invitatie la acest concert, cum am putea proceda?
Vad ca doar pe fete le intereseaza. Ne trimiti un e-mail… GB
Buna ziua, scuze de deranj, cum as putea rezerva 2 locuri la „CONCERT SOUND OF RUMI ” ce va avea loc la sala Patria Brasov
in data de 2 septembrie 2017
Am trimis mail la adresa si nu am primit raspuns
Va multumesc
Acela e un e-mail din Iran, nu au cum sa-ti raspunda in legatura cu locurile. Nu ne ocupam noi de concertul de la Brasov. E la Sala Patria, va trebui sa ceri detalii de la Filarmonica de acolo. GB