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Alliance Healthcare Romania is member of Alliance Healthcare - the Pha...

Ariadna Löwendal-Dănilă was born in Bucharest on January 2nd 19...

Our musicians, singing for the newly arrived Ambassadors at The Romani...

Nina Achilov, contralto Young graduate of the National University o...

Societatea Muzicala organizeaza un curs de Filosofie Generala, de nive...

Remus Azoitei a debutat la 8 ani cu orchestra simfonica din orasul...

neoBoema, neoBohema sau neoBohema Art...

Andreea Bădală a lansat brandul MURMUR în anul 2011 ca un concept ...

Dani Ghercă este artist vizual si lucrează in principal cu fotografi...

Arta contemporană si moda reprezintă două moduri de expresie care ...

Angèle Dubeau et la musique de Philip Glass et Ludovico Einaudi Le ...

Angèle Dubeau and the The World of Ludovico Einaudi and Philip Glass ...

Videointerviu cu Angele Dubeau dupa concertul umanitar de la Centrul S...

Luni, 16 mai 2016, in Sala Mare a Ateneului Roman, a avut loc Gala Con...

Program: Decernarea premiilor Concert: Lucrare instrumentala ...

Angele Dubeau din nou in Romania, dupa 32 de ani; concertul Societatii...

// Concertul Societatii Muzicale de la Atheneul Roman, martie ...

Marea violonista canadiana Angele Dubeau si ansamblul sau La Pieta au ...

EximBank se alatura organizatiilor preocupate de sustinerea proiectelo...

The concert "Angèle Dubeau & La Pietà with the elders’ and chi...

Centre for Recreation and Personal Development “Golescu – Grant Ma...

Centrul de Recreere si Dezvoltare Personala "Conacul Golescu - Grant" ...

SC: Doamna Angèle Dubeau, mai intai de toate va multumesc pentru ocaz...

In data de 13 martie 2016, violonista de origine canadiana Angele Dube...

The "Angèle Dubeau and the music of Lu...


Alliance Healthcare Romania is member of Alliance Healthcare – the Pharmaceutical Wholesale Division of Walgreens Boots Alliance, providing an international focus for healthcare manufacturers, pharmacies, doctors, health centers, and hospitals. Supplying over 115,000 pharmacies, doctors, health centers and hospitals each year from 306 distribution centers in 11 countries, we are one of the largest healthcare wholesalers and distributors in Europe. Alliance Healthcare offers a broad range of healthcare solutions. For healthcare companies, we can support their business at every stage of the value chain, from clinical trials during product development and launch to patient support, marketing, and the healthcare supply chain.

For pharmacists we offer solutions from wholesale distribution to patient support and pharmacy management. The wide selection of services is designed to boost customer satisfaction, optimize patient care and compliance, and support the role as a healthcare provider and an entrepreneur.

We also offer services for healthcare practitioners, including medical institutions, doctors, and hospitals. Our offer includes wholesale support, medical supplies, or additional patient support, Alliance Healthcare’s services can help to meet the increasing demands associated with patient care.

Alliance Healthcare

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