The SAS Choir
The SAS Choir with basis in Copenhagen was founded in 1981. The members of the SAS choir are present or former employees of SAS as well as other persons with a connection to SAS. Since September 2015 the choir is being conducted by Stefan Diaconu. Stefan Diaconu was born in Romania in 1990, and started learning piano at the age of 6, then began studying flute at the age of 10 and has been awarded a large number of prizes. He took his bachelor’s degree in both Flute Performance and Orchestral Conducting at the National University of Music in Bucharest. Currently he is attending the Royal Danish Academy of Music, Flute Section doing the second year of master class.
The choir’s repertoire is large and is comprised of traditional or patriotic Danish songs, modern and popular music and spans from old English madrigals via classical European music to spirituals and contemporary musicals. During the 35 years the choir has existed, it has regularly participated in interscandinavian exchange concerts with choirs and orchestras from the entire SAS group. Furthermore, the choir has visited and had visits from Finland, Latvia, Portugal and Germany, and the choir has given concerts in Canada, Italy and England. The choir has special relations to several choirs in Denmark and has participated in choir festivals both at home and abroad. Being a member of the SAS choir has become a lifestyle to the majority. Several have been members since 1981. There is a large sense of unity among the members, and the special intimate relation between choir and conductor contributes to that feeling of mutual solidarity.
SAS Choir – corul angajatilor companiei aeriene SAS (Danemarca)
SAS Choir, cu sediul in Copenhaga, a fost fondat in 1981. Membrii corului sunt angajati sau fosti angajati ai Companiei Aeriene SAS (Scandinavian Airlines), precum si persoane varstnice cu conexiuni indirecte in aceasta companie. Media de varsta a corului este de peste 60 de ani. Incepand cu septembrie 2015, corul este dirijat de Stefan Diaconu.
Stefan Diaconu s-a nascut in Radauti, Romania, si a inceput sa studieze pianul la varsta de sase ani, apoi a studiat flautul, incepand de la 10 ani, castigand numeroase premii. A obtinut diploma de licenta atat la Facultatea de Interpretare Muzicala – sectia Flaut – cat si la sectia Dirijat Orchestra din cadrul Facultatii de Compozitie, Muzicologie si Pedagogie Muzicala. Momentan este masterand al Royal Sanish Academy of Music, la sectiunea Flaut.
Repertoriul corului este variat si cuprinde cantece daneze traditionale sau patriotice, madrigale englezesti vechi sau moderne, muzica clasica, lucrari religioase nationale sau internationale, dar si lucrari romanesti. Pe parcursul celor 35 de ani de existenta, corul a participat in mod regulat in cadrul unor competitii inter-scandinave si a participat la concerte alaturi de coruri si orchestre din intregul grup SAS. Mai mult, corul a vizitat si a primit vizite din Finlanda, Letonia, Portugalia si Fermania, iar corul a concertat si in Canada, Italia sau Marea Britanie. Corul are relatii privilegiate cu mai multe coruri din Danemarca si a participat la diferite festivaluri nationale sau internationale. Pentru majoritatea, a fi corist in SAS Choir a devenit un mod de viata. Cativa sunt membri inca de la inceput, grupul fiind foarte unit, iar relatia foarte stransa dintre coristi si dirijor are o contributie majora in consolidarea acestui sentiment.