Angèle Dubeau & La Pietà si Corul batranilor si copiilor din Crangasi
Marea violonista canadiana Angele Dubeau si ansamblul sau La Pieta vor canta alaturi de corul batranilor si de corul copiilor defavorizati ai sectorului 6 la Conacul Golescu – Grant.
Angele Dubeau, una dintre cele mai faimoase, premiate si decorate violoniste canadiene va veni in Romnia, impreuna cu ansamblul La Pieta, pentru un concert unic la Atheneu – un concert deosebit, cu mai multe premiere pentru salile noastre de concert.
Artistii au acceptat, de asemenea, sa mearga intr-un asezamant cu persoane defavorizate si sa tina si acolo concertul, chiar in mijlocul lor. Acestia – gazdele, adica – vor arata si ei ce stiu si ce pot, le vor canta oaspetilor, la randul lor, si le vor prezenta o expozitie de pictura cu lucrarile lor. Veti vedea si veti auzi un cor al batranilor, un cor al copiilor, precum si unul mixt, de copii si batrani.
La spectacol organizat de Societatea Muzicala si de Ambasada Canadei au confirmat prezenta numeroase oficialitati (Presedintie, ministere, Primaria Sect. 6 etc.), multi ambasadori, oameni de afaceri, de cultura si din mediul academic, mass media.
Concertul umanitar va avea loc luni, 14 martie la 10:30h, la Centrul de Recreere si Dezvoltare Personala „Conacul Golescu – Grant” al Directiei Generale de Asistenta Sociala si Protectia Copilului Sector 6, in Aleea Tibles, nr. 64 (zona Regie – Giulesti). Programul este urmatorul:
- 10:30-11:00h primirea invitatilor de catre copiii si batranii asezamantului in parcul Conacului
- 11:00-11:30h vizitarea Conacului Golescu si a expozitiei de pictura
- 11:30-12:30h concertul Angele Dubeau & La Pieta, recital de pian al copiilor, corurile batranilor si copiilor.
Intrarea se face doar pe baza de invitatie din partea Societatii Muzicale, a Ambasadei Canadei sau a Directiei Generale de Asistenta Sociala si Protectia Copilului Sector 6.
Concertul umanitar al Societatii Muzicale la centrul social al DGASPC Sector 6 la Conacul Golescu-Grant in Crangasi, 14…
Posted by Societatea Muzicala on 25 Martie 2016
(Un concert al Societatii Muzicale)
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Marea violonista canadiana Angele Dubeau si ansamblul sau La Pieta au cantat alaturi de Corul Batranilor si de Corul Copiilor Defavorizati ai sectorului 6 la Conacul Golescu – Grant, intr-un concert...
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The concert „Angèle Dubeau & La Pietà with the elders’ and children’s chorus of Crangasi”
The great Canadian violinist Angèle Dubeau and her ensemble, La Pietà, will perform at Golescu-Grant Mansion, together with the elders’ and children’s chorus of District 6.
Angèle Dubeau, one of Canada’s most famous, awarded and accomplished violinists, will come to Romania together with the ensemble La Pietà and will perform a unique concert at the Romanian Athenaeum – an extraordinary concert with many premieres for our concert halls.
The artists have also agreed to visit a shelter for underprivileged people and to perform the same concert for the children, elders and ill people living there. The hosts will also show their talent to the artists and guests – they will display a painting exhibition with their own creations and will also sing. You will have the opportunity to see and to hear a chorus of elders, a chorus of children and a mixed chorus of both elders and children.
Many public institutions and authorities (Presidency, Ministries, the District 6 City Hall and numerous ambassadors) already confirmed their attendance at this event, along with various business people and representatives of the cultural, academic and mass media.
This humanitarian concert, orcanized by Societatea Muzicala and the Canadian Embassy will take place at the Centre for Recreation and Personal Development „Golescu -Grant Mansion” („Conacul Golescu – Grant”), administered by the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection of District 6, on Monday, March 14th, at 10:30 a.m. The address is: No. 64 Tibles Alley (Regie-Giulesti area). The agenda will be as follows:
- 10:30 – 11:00 a.m.: Guests are welcomed in the Mansion’s park by the elders and children of the shelter;
- 11:00 – 11:30 a.m.: Guests visit the Golescu Mansion and the painting exhibition
- 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.: Performances: Angèle Dubeau & La Pietà concert, children piano performance, elders’ and children’s chorus performances.
Admittance by invitation only, From Societatea Muzicala, the Canadian Embassy or the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection of District 6.
Centrul de Recreere si Dezvoltare Personala „Conacul Golescu – Grant”
Directia Generala de Asistenta Sociala si Protectia Copilului Sector 6
Este un compartiment subordonat Directiei Generale de Asistenta Sociala si Protectia Copilului, care se adreseaza tuturor copiilor de pe raza sectorului 6, reprezentand locul unde acestia iti pot pune in practica abilitatile si aptitudinile, exprimandu-si intr-un mod creativ pasiunile si talentele artistice, culturale, sportive, tehnico-stiintifice. Centrul isi propune sa ofere copiilor din sectorul 6 o alternativa de petrecere a timpului liber prin implicarea lor in aceste activitati. Activitatile din cadrul proiectului contribuie la prevenirea comportamentelor deviante la copii si adolescenti. Programele socio-educative desfasurate constituie o modalitate de adaptare, dezvoltare, responsabilizare si integrare sociala a copiilor din sectorului 6, in vreme ce promovarea voluntariatului in randul tinerilor si adultilor se constituie intr-o forma de participare activa la viata comunitatii. La activitatile centrului pot participa copiii cu varsta intre 4-18 ani, care au domiciliul in sectorul 6 si tinerii cu varsta intre 18-26 ani daca sunt beneficiari ai sistemului de protectie a copilului.
Institutia este situata in str. Aleea Tibles, nr. 64, intr-o cladire avand statutul de monument istoric, ce a purtat in trecut denumirile de „Palatul Belvedere” si „Palatul Grant”. Fostul conac Golescu este renovat, reabilitat si primeste o noua destinatie. Astfel la data de 1 Iunie 2012 este inaugurat Centrul de recreere si dezvoltare personala „Conacul Golescu Grant” Sector 6, destinat activitatilor educative si de recreere in beneficiul copiilor si adolescentilor din comunitatea sectorului 6. In cladire sunt amenajate 12 sali pentru activitati, sala de asteptare pentru parinti si pentru consilierea psihologica. Locatia dispune de o curte generoasa in care este amenajata o sala de sport, precum si un loc de joaca pentru copii.
Directia Generala de Asistenta Sociala si Protectia Copilului Sector 6 este institutia publica ce asigura la nivelul sectorului implementarea programelor si masurilor de asistenta sociala.
DGASPC Sector 6 asigura asistenta sociala urmatoarelor categorii de persoane:
- Persoane defavorizate, marginalizate, discriminate;
- Persoane varstnice;
- Persoane singure si familii aflate in dificultate;
- Adulti si copii cu dizabilitati;
- Copii abuzati, maltratati;
- Copii abandonati;
- Copii si familii cu copii in situatii de risc.
Servicii oferite
- Servicii de prevenire a separarii copilului de familie si a situatiilor de risc; masuri de protectie pentru copil;
- Asistenta si sprijin pentru persoanele varstnice, singure, cu dizabilitati sau aflate in situatii dificile;
- Servicii de gazduire, servirea mesei, consiliere, asistenta medicala, igienizare pentru batranii singuri;
- Promovarea si sustinerea respectarii drepturilor omului;
- Masuri de prevenire si combatere a marginalizarii sociale;
- Acordarea de ajutoare sociale, alocatii;
- Servicii de recuperare, tratament, reintegrare sociala a persoanelor cu dizabilitati;
- Servicii de consiliere sociala, juridica si psihologica;
- Drepturi si facilitati persoane cu handicap.
Tipurile de activitati desfasurate:
- Cultural-Artistice: teatru, dans modern, muzica (canto, chitara, pian, cor), arte plastice (pictura, arta grafica, modelaj, design vestimentar),
- Sportive: sah, karate, dans spotiv, karting etc.
- Tehnico-stiintifice: foto-video, stiinta si tehnologie audio, initiere in calculatoare etc.
- Alte dezvoltari de competente: limbi straine, orientare turistica, ecologie si cunoasterea mediului, mass-media, comunicare, jurnalism etc.
Corul Nostalgia
Initiat in anul 2005, proiectul „Corul Nostalgia” ofera copiilor si adolescentilor (copii si tineri proveniti din medii defavorizate) talentati din scolile si liceele sectorului 6 sansa de a urma cursuri muzicale, de a se initia in tainele unui studiou de inregistrari si de a evolua in spectacole cu public. In fiecare an, cu ocazia Craciunului, de Ziua Copilului, de Ziua Mamei sau cu prilejul altor sarbatori, copiii au evoluat sub luminile rampei si au fost rasplatiti cu aplauze. De-a lungul timpului, grupul a lansat numersoase albume cu participarea multor artisti consacrati precum Nico, Mirabela, Mihai Traistariu, Paula Seling, Ionut Galani, alaturi de care au lansat mai multe albume. In prezent corul este alcatuit din 21 de copii si adolescenti.
Corul Seniorilor
Corul batranilor din sectorul 6 a fost infiintat in anul 2014, cu scopul ambitios de a demonstra ca persoanele in varsta nu sunt o povara pentru societate si ca au multe de daruit. Cu varste intre 65 si 87 de ani, cei 37 de membri ai corului si-au luat rolul in serios devenind in scurt timp un grup unit si profesionist. Artistii ajunsi la varsta senectutii au participat in cadrul unor emisiuni la mai multe televiziuni, inclusiv in show-uri cunoscute, cu foarte mare audienta.
Centre for Recreation and Personal Development “Golescu – Grant Mansion”
General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection District 6
The centre is a subordinate department of the General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection District 6 and is meant for all children living in District 6. It is the place where they can practice their abilities and skills and also express their passions and artistic, cultural, sports, technology and science talents – all these in a creative way. The aim of the Centre is to give children from District 6 an alternative way of spending their leisure time by getting involved in these activities. The project’s activities help prevent deviant behaviour in both children and teenagers. The educational programs which take place at the Centre support adaptation, development, responsibility and social integration of children from District 6. Promoting volunteer work among young people and adults is considered to be a form of active participation in the community life. Children aged between 4 and 18 years that live in District 6 can participate at the Centre’s activities, along with young adults aged between 18 and 26 years that are under the benefit of the child protection system.
The institution is located in No. 64 Ţibles Alley, in a building that is under the National Historic Landmark. In the past, the building was known under the names “Belvedere Palace” and “Grant Palace”. The former Golescu mansion is renovated, rehabilitated and receives a new destination. Thus, the Centre for Recreation and Personal Development “Golescu – Grant Mansion” District 6 for educational and recreational activities dedicated to children and teenagers from the community of District 6, is inaugurated on June 1st 2012. Inside the building were organized 12 rooms for activities, a waiting room for parents and a room for psychological counselling. The location also has a large patio with a gym and a playground.
The General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection District 6 is the public institution that ensures the implementation of programs and measures for social assistance in this district.
GDSACP District 6 ensures social assistance for the following categories of people:
- Underprivileged, marginalized and discriminated people;
- Elders;
- People without family and families in need;
- Children and adults with disabilities;
- Abused and mistreated children;
- Abandoned children;
- Children and families with children at risk.
- Services to prevent the separation of the child from the family and other dangerous situations; protection measures for the child;
- Assistance and support for elders, disabled people or people in need;
- Housing, dining, counselling, medical care and hygiene services for elders without family;
- Human rights promotion and support;
- Measures for preventing and fighting against social marginalization;
- Social aid and allowances;
- Recovery, treatment and social integration services for disabled people;
- Social, legal and psychological counselling services;
- Rights and facilities for disabled people.
Types of activities:
- Culture and arts: theatre, modern dance, music (vocal, guitar, piano, choir), fine arts (painting, graphic arts, plasterwork, fashion design);
- Sports: chess, karate, sports dance, karting, etc.;
- Technology and science: photography and video, audio science and technology, computer lessons for beginners, etc.
- Other activities for skill development: foreign languages, tourism management, ecology and environmental knowledge, mass media, communication, journalism, etc.
Nostalgia Choir
Created in 2005, the project “Nostalgia Choir” offers talented children and teenagers (from underprivileged environments) from schools and high schools in District 6 the opportunity to take music classes, to see how a recording studio works and to perform in front of the public. Each year on Christmas, Children Day, Mother’s Day or other holidays, the children sing and get rewarded with applauses. As the years passed, the group launched many albums and collaborated with many established Romanian artists (Nico, Mirabela, Mihai Traistariu, Paula Seling and Ionut Galani). Nowadays, the choir is made up of 21 children and teenagers.
Seniors’ Choir
The elder’s choir from District 6 was founded in 2014. Its ambitious aim is to prove that elders are not a burden for society and that they have many things to offer. Aged between 65 and 87, the 37 members of the choir took their role seriously and soon enough became a united team of professionals. The golden age artists participated in many shows on several TV channels, including popular shows with very large audience figures.