Marile sali de concerte de muzica clasica ale lumii

Ord. dupa

Construita intre 1976-1979 si inaugurata in 1979, Abravanel Hall situa...

Inaugurata in 1989, Arsenal Concert Hall Metz este una dintre cele mai...

Auditorio de Tenerife, una dintre cele mai spectaculoase sali de conce...

Inaugurat in 1988, Auditorio Nacional de Musica Madrid este unul dintr...

Inaugurata in 1953, Aula Magna din Caracas este cea mai importanta sal...

Inaugurata oficial in 2009, Aula Simfonia din Jakarta a aparut ca rasp...

Parte a celebrului complex cultural Lincoln Center din New York, Avery...

Inaugurat in 1982, Barbican Centre din Londra, unul dintre cele mai ma...

A treia sala de concerte din Bonn ca si capacitate, Beethoven Halle a ...

Hungary's long waited Bela Bartok National Concert Hall, designed wit...

Construita in perioda 1960-1963 dupa schitele arhitectului Hans Scharo...

Construita cu sprijinul afaceristului Andrew Carnegie, al carui nume i...

Casa da Musica Porto is a major concert hall space in Porto, Portugal...

Situat in centrul oraşului Munchen, intr-un complex cultural polivale...

Una dintre cele mai mari sali de concert din Israel, Palatul Culturii ...

Proiectat de un cunoscut arhitect francez si inaugurat in 2013, Cidade...

Inaugurat in 1997, Clyde Auditorium Glasgow este una dintre cele mai s...

This is a modern auditorium – opened in 1998 and right next to Lucer...

Esplanade Concert Hall Singapore, inaugurata in 2002, este astazi una ...

Discret, cu lambriurile, marmura si tonurile sale mov, decorul largulu...

Construita in 1935 de catre arhitectul Nils Einar Ericcson, Gothenbur...

Harpa is a concert hall and conference centre in Reykjavik, Iceland. T...

Unul dintre cele mai noi edificii dedicate artelor spectacolelor din S...

Una dintre cele mai mari sali de concerte din lume, Kazakhstan Concert...

The Kennedy Center Concert Hall is part of the John F. Kennedy Center ...


Another entrant in the modern category of concert halls, the Sibelius Hall was only completed in 2000 but its design and acoustic ethos have earned it many plaudits. On the harbour in Lahti, the former industrial heartland of the city, the hall is less than an hour’s train ride from Helsinki – and the journey is well worth it. Many auditoria have wooden walls around the stage, but the Sibelius Hall goes one step further by using timber throughout the construction. There is a common misconception that the wooden walls of auditoria vibrate like the body of a violin to create a beautiful sound: in reality, every note the orchestra makes needs nurturing so it can reverberate around the hall. Vibrating walls would just take sound away. The wood in a grand auditorium is either very thick or is just a thin veneer glued solidly onto concrete so the sounds reflect efficiently.

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