Remarcata de critica de specialitate pentru calitatile sale interpretative, tanara violonista Ioana Cristina Goicea a impresionat deja si publicul din tara si din strainatate, punand bazele unei promitatoare cariere desfasurate la inalt nivel artistic.
Laureata a Concursului „Brahms” din Portschach, Austria, Ioana Cristina Goicea este, de asemenea, castigatoarea mai multor concursuri internationale, printre care „Andrea Postacchini” (2012), „Kloster Schöntal” (2011), „Fritz Kreisler”(2014), „Michael Hill” (2013), s.a.
Ioana Cristina Goicea s-a nascut in Bucuresti in 1992 într-o familie de muzicieni, mama sa, Cristina Anghelescu, violonista de renume international, si bunicul sau, pedagog si membru al Operei Nationale Bucuresti, fiind cei ce i-au calauzit pasii in muzica de la varsta de 4 ani. A beneficiat apoi de indrumarea profesorilor Stefan Gheorghiu si Petru Munteanu, in prezent studiind cu prof. Mariana Sirbu la „Hochschule für Musik und Theater Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy” din Leipzig.
Tanara violonista Ioana Cristina Goicea a concertat ca solistă cu Orchestra Filarmonicii George Enescu, Orchestra Naţională şi Orchestra de Cameră Radio România, Orchestra Naţională de Tineret, Lüneburger Bachorchester, I Virtuosi Italiani, Kunitachi Symphoniker, toate orchestrele simfonice importante din tara, etc., care i-au avut la pupitru pe dirijorii Horia Andreescu, Cristian Mandeal, I. Ionescu-Galaţi, Christian Badea, Tiberiu Soare, Theo Wolters, Janko Zsolt, s.a.
Nu in ultimul rand, Ioana Cristina Goicea a participat la la festivaluri internationale de prima marime si este detinatoarea unor burse ce i-au facilitat participarea la anumite masterclass-uri care i-au marcat pregatirea violonistica.
In September 2013, the well known The Strad magazine headlined „Romanian violinist Ioana Cristina Goicea wins Brahms Competition in Pörtschach, Austria”. Moreover she was awarded the audience prize and many other special prizes including a solo performance in Tokyo with the “Kunitachi Symphoniker” Orchestra and maestro Yuki Miyagi.
The young violinist Ioana Cristina Goicea has an impressive record of over 30 international and national awards, among them first prizes at international competitions Andrea Postacchini (2012, Italy), Kloster Schöntal (2011, Germany), Jaroslav Kocian (2008, Czech Republic). She is also laureate of the prestigious international competitions Michael Hill- 2013 New Zeeland, Fritz Kreisler-2014 Vienna and Valsesia Musica – 2013 Italy.
Born 1992 into a family of musicians, Ioana Cristina Goicea began studying the violin at the age of four. She graduated from the National College of Fine Arts Dinu Lipatti Bucharest and worked with Stefan Gheorghiu in Bucharest and, later on, with Prof. Petru Munteanu at the University of Music and Theatre Rostock. Currently she is studying with Prof. Mariana Sirbu at the University of Music and Theatre F. Mendelssohn – Bartholdy Leipzig.
Ioana Cristina has performed as soloist with orchestras such as the George Enescu Philharmonic Orchestra Bucharest, Romanian Radio National Orchestra and Romanian Radio Chamber Orchestra, Romanian National Youth Orchestra, Lüneburger Bachorchester, Kunitachi Symphoniker Orchestra in Tokyo, Euro Symphony SFK, I Virtuosi Italiani Chamber Orchestra, Norddeutsche Philarmonie Rostock, Moldavian State Philharmonic Chisinau, Orchester der Musikalischen Komödie Leipzig, Concertino Ensemble Rostock, Transilvania State Philharmonic Cluj-Napoca, Banatul State Philharmonic Timisoara and all philharmonic orchestras of Romania.
The young violonist Ioana Cristina Goicea already performed a large number of recitals at the Romanian Athenaeum. Other venues and festivals include the Wiener Konzerthaus, the Latvian Music Academy Riga, the Festival Mecklemburg-Vorpommern, the Lüneburger Bachwoche Festspiele, the Musica in Collina di Lapedona International Festival, the series Concerti al Gianicolo in Rome as well as at the Pontino di Latina Festival.
Upcoming performances include a recital at St. Martin in the Fields in July 2015.
Ioana Cristina is playing a violin by Giambattista Guadagnini (1761) on loan to her from the Deutsche Stiftung Musikleben who also awarded her with the Gerd-Bucerius Scholarship allowing her to participate in the Prof. Krzysztof Wegrzyn’s Masterclass with the Academie de Morges in 2014.
Ioana Cristina Goicea – deja o cariera (click pentru a deschide)