Informatii despre viata culturala romaneasca

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Romanian-American composer and violinist Lucian Manea who works full time at ASCAP (The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers) as a music analyst/editor/musicologist in New York is searching for either a talented pianist to pair up with or a violin and piano established duo who really enjoy playing new tonal/modal/intense music. He would like the duo group to learn, perform and record (both audio and video) 4 duet pieces that are medium++ in difficulty and are a total of about 25 minutes long at the highest quality level. Music is all written out with details in individual parts and score. Musicians can be located anywhere in Romania (as long as Lucian can arrive there)

The only way this can work out is if musicians don’t require payment from Lucian because he is also not getting paid, musicians should do this because they enjoy/appreciate the music and long term benefits from doing this. After the recordings are made Lucian will form a website and put the downloads/videos in there as well as with everyone’s important help network around many websites/media to promote those downloads/videos. Money from customers/fans that donate for the downloads/videos will be divided between all musicians.

Serious musicians that are interested can contact Lucian directly through Facebook (after adding contact) at or they can email him at Please write a little about your music background and share some links/websites with examples of your playing. After that Lucian will send you the scores and computer created mp3s for you to look/listen.

Lucian speaks some Romanian too, but is not fluent (Vorbesc Romana cu limite).

Thank you Societatea Muzicala and George Butunoiu for putting this information on their website and hope to hear from you!

Lucian Manea – Joyjourney (Muzica romaneasca - 21-Jul-2015)

Romanian-American composer and violinist Lucian Manea works full time at ASCAP (The American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers) as a music analyst/editor/musicologist in New York.

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